fornecedor de escavadeira usada
fornecedor de escavadeira usada


  • Preço FOB

    21000 dólares americanos / Unidade

  • Pedido mínimo


  • Capacidade do balde


  • Ano


  • horas de trabalho


  • envio

    frete marítimo / frete terrestre

  • Marca


teste de qualidade

Peças originais com boas condições de trabalho e curtas horas de trabalho.

rede de vendas

A rede de vendas cobre todas as partes do país e exporta para muitos países e regiões.


  • Descrição
  • Vídeo
FOB Price: 21000USD
Pedido mínimo: 1
Bucket Capacity:0.65
Horas de trabalho:751
Transporte: frete marítimo / frete terrestre

O PC130 typically refers to a Komatsu PC130 hydraulic excavator, a versatile and reliable machine used in construction, mining, and heavy-duty excavation projects. Here's a detailed description of the Komatsu PC130:

Komatsu PC130 Overview:

O Komatsu PC130 is a mid-size crawler excavator that offers excellent performance, efficiency, and durability. It’s designed for various tasks such as digging, lifting, and moving materials. Komatsu is known for producing high-quality construction machinery, and the PC130 is no exception.

Principais características:

  1. Motor:
    • Powered by a fuel-efficient and robust diesel engine.
    • Often equipped with a Komatsu SAA4D107E-1 engine (varies depending on the model).
    • Complies with Tier 3 / Stage IIIA emissions standards.
  2. Desempenho:
    • Peso operacional: Typically around 13,000 kg (13 tons), but may vary slightly depending on configuration.
    • Capacidade do balde: The bucket can typically hold around 0.5 to 0.6 cubic meters, depending on the attachment and the type of work.
    • Digging Depth: The PC130 can usually dig to depths of around 6 meters (or more, depending on the boom and arm configuration).
    • Arm Length: Varies by configuration, generally around 4.5 meters.
  3. Sistema Hidráulico:
    • The hydraulic system is highly efficient, providing excellent power for digging, lifting, and other operations.
    • It is designed to offer smooth and responsive operations, making it ideal for precision work in confined spaces.
  4. Cabine e conforto:
    • The operator’s cab is spacious and ergonomically designed for comfort and ease of use.
    • Features may include air conditioning, adjustable seating, advanced controls, and good visibility to improve safety and productivity.
  5. Durability:
    • Built with high-quality materials and a strong frame to withstand demanding environments.
    • Suitable for both urban and rugged construction sites.
  6. Eficiência de combustível:
    • Known for being fuel-efficient compared to other models in its class, reducing operational costs over time.
  7. Safety Features:
    • Standard safety features such as a reinforced cabin, safety steps, and easy-to-reach controls for the operator.
    • Meets industry standards for machine safety.


O Komatsu PC130 is suitable for a wide range of tasks:

  • Excavation and trenching for utilities and foundations.
  • Paisagismo and earthworks.
  • Demolição and material handling.
  • Road construction and various other infrastructure projects.

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